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Books and toys that represent YOU!

We want children to feel a sense of pride, honour and love for who they are. Our books represent their faith, culture, language, and Muslim identity!

Our Toys & Hands-on Learning

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Play with the toys that represent you!

Our toys enhance a child's learning experience brings an abundant amount of joy to life!

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As Featured On

Alif2Yaa is featured at Square One Mall and Indigo; one of the largest retail bookstores in Canada. Our books can be found in public libraries across Toronto (GTA)!

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#1 Children's Publishing Company

One stop shop for all your child's educational needs!

  • Book Review

    "The shiny cover, with or without the dusk jacket, the sturdiness in your hands, the illustrations, the large font and easy to read English and Arabic (with harakat), is an absolute joy to read, look through, and talk about with children four and up. The book works in a lot of settings for a lot of ages because of its simplicity, presentation, and appeal. Kids will pull this off the shelf and look at it without prompting, just as adults can discuss the names with them, and build lessons off of the ayats included. The versatility of the book is why I’m stretching out of my comfort zone of fictional reads to review this Islamic non fiction book.📚💜"
  • Customer Review

    "This is a bookstore that gives back to their community and we love that. They have educational books and toys specifically for kids learning another language. More than 290 million people speak Arabic in the world so this is a wonderful language to teach your children to speak and what better way to teach them than to stop by this bookstore and pick up an easy to read, colorful, and fun book, puzzle, or toy for the little one in your life, or if you aren't local, order from their online store. They have a fantastic selection, and it's been proven that the more languages our kids learn at an early age, the better it is for their brain development in life. Lastly, let's all do our part in supporting businesses that give back. Thank you, Alif2yaa!"
    - Mona Ghouemn
  • Customer Review

    "I just bought 4 books from Alif2yaa and I am very happy with the purchase. The shipping was quick (4 days including the weekend) and the owner was genuinely helpful throughout the process. With a wide selection of quality books at reasonable prices, Alif2yaa is a great resource for parents and teachers alike."
    - Farid L.
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